the first time in history, all the significant literary,
artistic, and scientific works of mankind can be digitally
preserved and made freely available, in every corner of the
world, for our education, study, and appreciation and that
of all our future generations.

until now, the transmission of our cultural heritage has
depended on limited numbers of copies in fragile
media. The fires of Alexandria irrevocably severed our
access to any of the works of the ancients. In a thousand
years, only a few of the paper documents we have today will
survive the ravages of deterioration, loss, and outright
destruction. With no more than 10 million unique book
and document editions before the year 1900, and perhaps 100
million since the beginning of recorded history, the task of
preservation is much larger. With new digital
technology, though, this task is within the reach of a
single concerted effort for the public good, and this effort
can be distributed to libraries, museums, and other groups
in all countries.